There has been a new craze about people saying eat a healthy raw diet.  What does this actually mean? 
After some research here is what Khalsa Pizza has been able to understand what a raw food diet means in our everyday lives.
The fundamental principle behind raw foodism, is that plant foods in their most natural state – uncooked and unprocessed – are also the most wholesome for the body. The raw food diet is a lifestyle choice.
Sticking to a raw food diet isn’t easy. Most raw foodists spend a lot of time in the kitchen peeling, chopping, straining, blending, and dehydrating. That's because the diet is typically made up of 75% fruits and vegetables. Here are examples of raw food diet include:

  • seaweed
  • sprouts
  • sprouted seeds
  • whole grains
  • beans
  • dried fruits
  • nuts